If your return is approved, then of course you will not need to pay for the items that you returned. AfterPay will send you an email with the updated payment details once we have processed the return. However, to avoid any reminder fees, we recommend that you do not wait with the payment until we received the return. Instead, use the payment details on the digital invoice to transfer the correct amount. You only need to pay for the item(s) you kept, plus the invoice fee, and if applicable, the shipping fee and the return fee. If you returned your entire order, then you only need to pay the return fee. You can use the payment details on the original invoice to transfer the amount. You can also register your return at AfterPay, through the AfterPay App. This will postpone your due date by 10 days.
More questions? Call AfterPay on 020 7230 270.
I returned my order, but I still received a reminder!
It may occur that AfterPay sends a reminder before we've had a chance to receive and process the return. It can usually take up to two weeks before we receive a return, so if two weeks have not yet passed then there is nothing to worry about. Have you not received the return confirmation email from us after two weeks, kindly contact our customer service. In the meantime, make sure to pay for the kept item(s), plus the invoice fee and, if applicable, the shipping fee and the return fee.