You have 14 days to decide if you want to keep the products, from the date you received the package. The products must be shipped back in good condition and well-packaged. For more information about your right of return, see our General Terms & Conditions here.
Register your return online
It's important that you register your return online under "My Pages" so the return process and refund will be as quick and smooth as possible. If you want, you can also use our return slip which you can download here.
Sign in on your account. Under My Pages, click on Make a return. Then go to Register return to get started. There will be instructions that you can follow all the way.
Can't find your order, or did you place your order without an account? Then you can register your return here. Enter your email address and order number. If that's not working either, then just contact us here and we'll help you out!
You will receive a commercial invoice when the registration is complete.
If you decided to order new items, then you need to go to the checkout to complete your new purchase after you're done registering your return.
Pack the items and get a commercial invoice
You can use the original packaging for the return. If you no longer have the original packaging, then of course you can use something else, as long is it's sturdy.
In order for the return package to get through customs, you’ll need to provide the carrier with three copies of commercial invoice. Hand them over to the carrier when you send the package. Don’t put them inside the package; hand them over to the carrier when you send the return package.
Send your package
You can send the package through a postal service of your choosing. As the customer, you are responsible for the return costs. Remember to ask for proof of postage and, if possible, a tracking number. It’s also a good idea to mark your parcel as "Returned Goods", and don't forget to hand over the commercial invoice. Send your package to this address:
Bergkantsgatan 6, gate 2-6
506 49 Borås
Don’t forget to save your receipt until you get the return confirmation email from us.