Prices on Nelly/NLYMAN do not include local sales tax/VAT. These additional costs will be charged to you upon delivery.
Customers are subject to additional charges in order to receive their package. Such charges include Customs & Duty charges, VAT/local taxes, etc. These charges are not included in the price paid at checkout. Only the value of the item(s) and the delivery fee are paid at checkout. Payment of these fees is the sole responsibility of the customer/buyer.
Depending on the parcel carrier, a notification email may be sent to the customer when additional charges have been calculated, prior to delivery. Such a notification will inform the customer of additional fees required. Alternatively, the customer may be contacted by phone.
Once a parcel has entered the destination country, it will be held by Customs for clearance. During this time, import duties and tax fees will be calculated by the present authority. In case of forced Return-to-Sender due to unpaid additional fees, these fees may be deducted from the sum refunded. If you require more information on this, please promptly contact our customer support team.